Final dispatches
0100 on watch
Making 7.5 knots partly cloudy, moonlit night.
Search light off Bermuda clearly visible. Running lights from three boats converging on north end of the island and the finish line.
Satellite email reports show a very competitive finish. Integrity and Gallant appear to have finished at about 0400. Must have been exciting. “Go Navy, beat Army” (but not) Arcadia.
Radio contact with Bermuda Harbor Radio. cool british accent. will contact race committee five minutes before we cross the line and the Harbor radio for customs clearance.
0500 (approx.)

Bermuda on hour ahead. Course set for Northeast Breakers light and Kitchen shouls. Pretty treacherous reefs. Lucky to be arriving as the sun is coming up.

6:13:34 est
Arcadia finished the race.
Integrity and Gallant already in. Great race to the crews. At honor to loose to the Navy. After 800 miles, Integrity edges Gallant by seven minutes. That’s tight.