Flexible Fence: Collaboration Needed

Livestock waste is a predominant source of water pollution in streams and rivers running through or near farmland. Central to successful efforts at excluding livestock from streams and waterways  is the concept of flexible (or adaptive) fencing.

Livestock waste can cause overloads of fecal coliform bacteria, either by direct discharge, storm runoff or manure spreading.

High levels of fecal coliform often reduces oxygen levels, killing fish and other aquatic life.

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a voluntary program for agricultural landowners, administered by the USDA/Farm Service Agency. Through CRP,  landowners and farmers can receive annual rental payments and cost-share assistance to establish long-term, resource conserving covers on eligible farmland.

However the rules and restrictions of this federal program do not fit the needs of all farmers and landowners. A more flexible, collaborative approach is called for…

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